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Arne Garborg (1851-1924      

Norwegian writer of the naturalistic school. He founded the weekly Fedraheim (1877), in which he urged reforms in many spheres-political, social, religious, agrarian, and linguistic. Garborg championed the use of Nynorsk, New Norwegian, which is based on rural dialects, as a literary language; he translated the Odyssey into it. Several of his early novels presented male views in the debate on sexual morality conduted throughout the 1880s. Two outstanding novels, Tired Men (1891) and Peace (1892, tr. 1929), relate the tragic disintegration of morally bankrupt and guilt-ridden men

dizse que col dineiru mércase tou. Non, nun ye verdá. Podéis mercare la comida, peru non la fame, la melecina, peru non la salú, una cama, peru non el suañu, la conocencia, peru non la intelixencia, l\'apariencia, peru non el bientare, el divertimientu, peru non el que preste, conocíos, peru non amistanza, los sirvidores, peru non la fidelidá, las canas, peru non la reputación, días tranquilos, peru non la serenidá. El dineiru ye a mercare la casca de tol0as cousas. Peru non el granu. Ésu nun se ye a tenere col dineiru